Chapter Officers 2024-2026
- President - Barbara Jarvis
- 1st Vice President - Phyllis Sharps
- 2nd Vice President - Darshal Smith
- Recording Secretary - Crystal Wilson
- Asst. Recording Secretary - Cheryl Johnson-Bracey
- Corresponding Secretary - LaShonda Hinds
- Financial Secretary - Twanda Hooker
- Treasurer - Cherlyn Brace
- Parliamentarian -Cheryl Stewart
- Public Relations Reporter - Sharette James
- Hostess - Corynn Dixon
- Sgt. At Arms - Tina Sabbat
- Member At Large - Portia Willis
- Historian - Annette Reape
- Chaplain - Terri Prayer
Soaring to Greater Heights of Service To The Greater Howard County, Maryland community!
Corinne Moody, Immediate Past President